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“Allah (swt) creates the universe to make our life wonderful. If you are not living the life you want, then there is something you've been missing. It's to make yourself a magnet to attract what  you deserve."


-My Turning Point

In 2010, I experienced a life-changing moment when I was introduced to The Secret movie. This powerful law was not only explained in the movie, but also in my holy book, the Qur'an. I was amazed to discover that the teachings of The Secret are already present in the Qur'an, and I praised Allah, the Lord of the Universe, for this mind-blowing realization.


-Law of Attraction 

Allah has created the universe to provide us with abundance, and with the Law of Attraction, we can tap into this power and manifest our deepest desires. I started to learn about the Law of Attraction in the Islamic perspective and found that the more I learned, the closer I felt to Allah, the Almighty who rules the Universe.

Now, I live the life I truly deserve, and I am filled with gratitude and happiness every day. So, are you ready to unlock the power of the universe and manifest your desires? Let's start manifesting and watch as abundance flows into your life.

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